Julie Freed of Freed Events

Couldn't be happier to be featuring Julie Freed of Freed Events. You may have heard or attended one of her many events. She is a super mom and super business women yet she is the one of the most sincere, positive and motivating people we know. We love Julie's instagram @julie_freed for food inspiration and food envy. We are are hoping she starts catering soon! Read more about how Julie followed her dreams and launched her own company @freedevents.

Tell us a little about yourself, your brand/company and how it started?

My interest in hospitality began with my days at Boston University and producing events has been an integral part of my life ever since.  My experience includes working with some of the leading international event companies.  Most recently, collaborating with London based Emc3 and prior to that, over 12 years with Rafanelli Events where I produced some of the largest and most complex events for the firm’s top clientele.  

Driven by my passion and purpose, I launched Freed Events to provide clients with a highly personalized experience and one that embraces collaboration with the industry's top talent. We’ve created an authentic environment for ideas to flourish while still being able to maintain my love of logistics.  This company is based on long-term, trusting relationships with clients and event partners alike.   Together with my husband, we are developing the Freed Companies- Freed Law, Freed Events and Freed Fit (coming soon!)- while raising our 2 young children. 

What advice can you give for starting your own business or turning your passion into a career?

Do your homework and surround yourself with trusted advisors. This was my first time starting a business and I was humble enough to recognize what I knew and when I needed to seek advice.

What drives/motivates/inspires you?

As far as drive and motivation, that has always been a fire inside me. Everything I do, I do 100%. When it comes to inspiration, I find nothing better than collaborative brainstorm sessions with my team. Company culture is a huge part of Freed Companies and a core component of our mission at Freed Events.  Empowering my colleagues and team to have a voice and feel confident expressing their ideas creates an amazing flow for both development and design.

What are you most proud of/ biggest accomplishment?

Taking the leap to start a new business and re-introduce myself to the market. Change is scary, but I have confidence in myself and in the business and am only looking forward.

What advice would you give an aspiring entrepreneur?

Stay humble, continue to learn and have fun! If you do what you love, the work is fulfilling and enriching.

What is your ideal working environment?

I love to sink into a comfortable couch in a lounge environment with a bit of a buzz. I live in The Millennium Tower which has an amazing lounge, offering our team a great space to collaborate.

What do you do in your spare time?

Family comes first for me, so spending time with my husband and our two children is extremely important to me. Integrating our family and work has become a lifestyle and one that we are excited and grateful for.  We also travel to see our parents and siblings as much as possible, which takes us to the country-side of Connecticut, the Hampton’s and south Florida.

How do you maintain a healthy balance?

I prioritize healthy eating and fitness and have learned to carve out time for self-care. The better I feel the more clear-headed and productive I am, so it’s really and win/win. Developing Freed Fit is simply an extension of the lifestyle I have cultivated and want to share.

Stay tuned for Freed Fit which is coming soon. You will not be disappointed this we promise!

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