Adrienne Schlow - Artist

Tell us a little about yourself, your brand/company and how it started?
I am a visual artist, mostly paintings, also collage and photographic collaborations.
I've been drawing all my life, painting since high school, and a professional artist for 5 years. I live and work in the South End of Boston. My studio is my main town.
What advice can you give for starting your own business or turning your passion into a career?
I feel super happy to have done so, but I think everyone's road is unique. Mostly, passions have a way of persisting. I feel like the beneficiary of that energy in me.
I will say a career in a business you are not passionate about is reason to change.
One life.
What drives/motivates/inspires you?
A unique sight of any kind is my inspiration. I love new ways of doing and seeing and saying. That others appreciate my work is also impactful.
I’m motivated by looking at my work deeply, and with a critical but loving eye, and.
I'm driven by a desire to be constantly evolving.
What are you most proud of/ biggest accomplishment?
Best thing ever was hands down my first open studio where I sold 7 out of 9 pieces. I was pretty euphoric. Having zero expectations is a powerful baseline. It was thrilling.
I’m always proud when I make people really happy with my images, particularly while I'm watching them enjoy it. The scale of my projects is also much larger recently and that gives me a buzz too.
What was biggest challenge you have faced and how did you overcome it?
I was awkward talking about my work initially, and even just replying “I'm an artist” (in response to questions about what I did for work) sounded fraudulent to me, until I started selling work.
What is the best business advice you have received?
Get paid.
What advice would you give an aspiring entrepreneur?
Value yourself.
What is your ideal working environment?
I love painting on a sunny day when I can shift work in and out of the sunny squares the windows cast on the floor. Control over drying time is always fun to play with.
I listen to Dido, John Mayer, My parents Greek Music, Nina Simone, Tribe Called Quest, DeeLite and Cowboy Junkies.
I paint alone. 😁
What do you do in your spare time?
I rock out with my two daughters, Petra and Axelle, and throw a net over my busy husband (restauranteur Michael Schlow) as often as I can catch him for some fun too. We love sarcasm and entertaining. I am the bartender.
How do you maintain a healthy balance?
I have no rhythm at the studio. I go when I want to. Otherwise if not interested I make lame stuff and if stressed I make stiff stuff. No good. Sometimes, however, I need to remind myself to socialize when I am in a pattern of taking every free moment and going to the studio for days on end. Balance is a challenge in some ways and happily out of balance in others.
Be sure to follow Adrienne to see her latest works of art! @aschlow