Lisa Duffy of Savoir Faire Home

If you want your home to look stunning, you need to meet our friend Lisa Duffy! Thank you Lisa for allowing us to share your story with our #LiveLeisurely Influencer Interview! 

Tell us a little about yourself, your brand/company and how it started? 

I spent 20+ years in consumer packaged goods marketing and decided I needed a change.  Though I loved my job, there were always aspects of it that I didn’t like.  I wanted to use my creativity in ways that were less limiting.  In 2005, I opened Savoir Faire Home.  It began as a small retail business focused on European, mostly French, home décor and furniture.  What I quickly realized was that though my customers loved the product, they had no idea how to incorporate it into their own homes.  That’s when I really starting focusing on the interior design side of the business. I quickly realized that there was no better expression of my creativity and the response from my clients was overwhelmingly positive.

What advice can you give for starting your own business or turning your passion into your career?

You have to love what you do.  If you love what you do it will show in your work product.  Not only is it important to love what you do but, you need to also be really good at it.  Don’t get into any business unless you can bring something new and exciting to the market.  In my case, it’s my signature style. Sure, people have tried to copy my look and my designs but, you can’t copy my creativity.  It’s ever changing and always fluid.  I will always own my creativity.

What drives/motivates/inspire you?

There is nothing more rewarding than creating beautiful interiors for my clients.  I’m especially motivated when I get my clients to think of outside the box and to push them a little out of their comfort zone.  When they see the final product they immediately know why they hired me.  I also really enjoy taking on projects that are “design challenged”. I love the mental struggle a tough project creates.  I think it’s when I do my best work

What are you most proud of /biggest accomplishment? 

That I have managed to run a successful business and raise two incredible daughters.  It wasn’t always easy but when other parts of your life are fulfilling it shows in your work and frees your mind to create.

What was the biggest challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?

 In 2008, after completely renovating my own home, it was destroyed in a house fire.  I’ll admit that I was a bit lost and it took a while for me to get back on solid footing.  I wasn’t even sure if I could continue on in the business.  Luckily, I have very supportive friends and family who helped me through it all.

What was the best advice you ever received?  

The best advice I ever received was from my Dad who said “never underestimate the amount of perseverance, hard work and determination that goes into running your own business.  If you are not ready to work harder and smarter than you ever have before than don’t open your own business.”

What advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur?

If you are in it because you want to get rich quick and work less, then this isn’t something you should be doing.

What’s my ideal working environment?

 My idea of a great working environment is feeling like we are all on the same team.  I have been fortunate to work with some incredibly supportive women.  We all want to succeed.

What do you do in your spare time?

What spare time? Just kidding, I love to spend time with my family and I love to travel.  I get so much of my inspiration from my travels. 

How do you maintain a healthy balance?

If I have a bad day, I remind myself that I’m not saving lives, I’m designing beautiful spaces.

Be sure to check out her website and services! 

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